We are a group of 4 schools, 465 students and 27 language teachers. English was the project language. Head of our group is Nästegårdsskolan, Kvänum in Sweden. We shared and evaluated methods of language learning in our countries.
We focused on these objectives:
- students (More motivated and interested in learning foreign languages. Using English in real life, both inside and outside their classroom. More familiar in using ICT in language learning.
- teachers (Learning to use ICT in language teaching. Get more lesson activities to make language lessons more varied in all four key competences.)
We realized four meetings during the project time, wich were focused on four competence (reading, listening, writing and speaking).
We evaluated the project´s objectives on four competence (reading, listening, writing and speaking). We should have worked with each competence during one term through the two year project time. Due to Covid we only used the first term for Listening as decided. The others we changed after more than one term since we got another year to work with our project. In Sweden new classes were involved since the first ones finished and went to other schools, but in the three other schools the work could go on with the same students all the time.
The main outputs of the project were competence exercises. You can find the exercises and more detailed information about the project at www https://mill.gymka.cz/